
by MACHIN3 in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 81 ratings by the community.

  • James Finnerty
    16 days ago

    There's more tools than I even use, and what I do use I use ALL THE TIME. THANKYOU

    • MACHIN3

      16 days ago

      ❤ Thank you James, glad it's useful :)

  • Cain
    22 days ago

    The video tutorial is very out of date and hard to watch, I would expect better learning resources from a paid tool, especially one that messes with blender in the way this does. It is unusable for me.

    • MACHIN3

      22 days ago


  • sameer uddin
    28 days ago

    Dislcaimer - i am an intermediate blender user with no focussed skill not a professional 3d artist , max consider me to be a hobbyist .
    Now that is out of the way . It is people like me who usually get really scared of addons like Machin3 , the reason is simple , not realy great at rudiments as not trained formally in 3d on top don't have the ability or attention to RTFM. I have had machin3 tools for a while but recently after watching 'artisan's of vaul" machin3 playlist , my mind just exploded. I just activated all the Machin3 pie menus and now i am training myself to work with this ecosystem vs the blender vanilla ecosys which by no means has any shortcomings that i can cry about. But seeing what it does adding features that put blender on steroids , align tools , editing tools , how faces can be recontruced on sperical surfaces without making them flat to a great approximation ! It does things in it's own unique way. The dev has some great videos to get kick started but my true love for this addon developed after watching this playlist. The more advacned users already know the power of this addon and i am no authority to make any additions here..but even for an intermediate user the addon offers a pleathora of ways to do things. The pie menus are so well thought of ! detailed panel to customize it on the pref tab. Thank you for taking the time and making this magic light saber.I love hard ops and have been using it for while now as it was more intuitive but for mesh editing ..this tool is pure gold . I would say if you are hesitant to buy it thinking it has it's own hidden layered feature workflow from the POV of an intermediate user , please do go through this playlist , it may change your perspective !

    Apologies for leaving a link here but AOV in my opnion just brings the beauty of this addon , though Ryu has done many tuts in th past and i love them people can refer to his videos as well to see the might of this monster.

    • MACHIN3

      22 days ago

      Thank you so much for taking the time to write this Sameer. Glad you find MACHIN3tools useful.

  • Santi
    about 2 months ago

    Great tool

    • MACHIN3

      22 days ago

      Thanks Santi.

  • Sascha
    2 months ago

    Way back were the addon was free on gumroad I still decided to buy it on blendermarket just to respect the dev. at a minimum. Now after a while I wanted to download the new version and saw its not possible anymore. Even if I think it is more worth then the dime that days. I'm a bit disappointed now. Over this I also bought MeshMachine and DecalMachine which were one of the more expensive addons but they didn't got the love like this one in updates. I was expecting some day machin3tools may be a part of meshmachine while the majority of features fit into it. I think if one bought the big bundle it would be better to let him machin3tools insteat "if you had payed 3.5 at gumroad".

    Beside this I think prices for addons are running out of controll (In general... not just this one). Mine are in total now more then a complete tool like Plasticity which with I could do most of the stuff better then with addons for blender. I m just hobbyist but I think this addon market as is will not be good for blender. People will switch to payed tools if they get more for the money.

    • MACHIN3

      22 days ago

      Thanks man!

  • Micky
    2 months ago

    A true pillar of Blender—thank you, Machin3!

    Can't wait to see HyperCursor in action!
    Can I hope for a 2025 release to the public?

    • MACHIN3

      2 months ago

      Thank you Micky, much appreciated. Working on HC all day, everyday.

  • Rikard
    3 months ago

    There are a few times in life when you look in the rear view mirror and realize you've been stupid. And if you could go back in time, you would... Well, I started using Blender a few years back and I was adamant in my conviction that using addons would be a bad idea. It would halt my progress and I would become lazy... Oh how wrong I was. Thanks stooooopid! That is a lot of time I will never get back.

    Machine3Tools is perfect example of an addon that will NOT stop your progress (or make you lazy). It will just make your life better. It will not stop you from learning, it will just make it easier to accomplish your goals of taking what's inside your head and putting it into the 3D Viewport. I bought the Deus Ex version because; frankly ... that's just an excellent name for a tier.

    I saw some youtube videos stating that this was a free addon, but that it recently changed. I must say that I fully support that decision. This addon is just so damn good and it must take an insane amount of time to keep it up to date with new versions of Blender. I would hate to see it discontinued. and hopefully getting a few bucks per sale will prevent that from happening. From my point of view the set of tools contained in this package are ESSENTIAL to Blender.

    Also, I really appreciate how the developer takes the time to write real release notes with videos and examples. It's so darn helpful. Love it!

    If I could go back in time, I would tell myself -- Learn vanilla blender for six months, then buy Machin3tools! It will be the best spent 15 bucks in your life! And If I would argue that I can't afford it... I'd tell myself to cancel that Netflix subscription. Which I didn't use for a year being busy learning blender anyway...

    Long story short... I would recommend anyone just starting out with Blender, to first learn the basics, then get Machine3Tools and revel as soon as possible! And for people already familiar with Blender. Well, if you don't have Machin3tools, get it! And don't thank me; when you start modelling rainbows and sunshine, thank the developer.

    • MACHIN3

      2 months ago

      Thank you so much for taking the time to write all that Rikard! Super glad MACHIN3tools makes such a difference in your workflow, and happy to have your support :)

  • Albin
    6 months ago

    Can't live without it!

  • Basem Ali Deeb
    7 months ago

    Amazing add-on! Hope you keep developing this. I can't imagine using Blender without it.

    • MACHIN3

      2 months ago

      Thank you, of course I will. I can't use Blender without it either!

  • Igor
    7 months ago

    After using MT for over a month, I can safely say that it might be the best add-on you can buy whenever you do hard surface modeling, sculpting, shading or scene building. You have so many amazing tools that speed up working in blender. Pie menus are just like a third arm for blender and provide everything that a more advanced blender user would ask for.

    • MACHIN3

      2 months ago

      Awesome, happy to hear that Igor!

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Sales 26700+
81 ratings
Published about 6 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
License GPL