Lod Pro

by Animander in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 1 from 2 ratings by the community.

  • Alejandro
    25 days ago

    This is some kind of decimator, not a LOD generator, and the camera thing is annoying. I tried it in 4.2

    • Stefan Frank

      25 days ago

      I suppose I'm not sure what you expect it to be other than a decimator? Anything that generates LODs automatically that aren't made by hand would, by definition, have to be some form of decimation. The product page and examples pretty clearly outlines that this is what's happening. As for the camera being annoying, if you can elaborate on what you mean by that, I can look into adjusting its behavior.

  • hocsy1
    3 months ago

    LOD does not work at all.

    • Stefan Frank

      3 months ago

      If you could send me a message describing the issue you are having with it, I would be happy to help you resolve them.

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