Jl Realistic Horse Skeleton Rig For Blender 2.8 Eevee & Cycles

by Blender Pirate in Models

Does this work in Blender 2.79b

No, It was created in Blender 2.8 and isn't backward compatible.

  • This version contains my high quality 100% quads only, super clean topology Realistic Horse Skeleton model with all the materials and the shadow catcher ground as well as the super friendly custom rig ready for animation. ***Does not include fire effect and animation!***

  • This version contains my high quality 100% quads only, super clean topology Realistic Horse Skeleton model with all the materials and the shadow catcher ground as well as the super friendly custom rig ready for animation. Also includes an run loop animation with a pretty awesome fire effect. Ready to edit, animate, re-calculate for your own animations and shots.

  • This version contains a high quality 100% quads only, super clean topology Realistic Horse Skeleton model with all the materials and the shadow catcher ground. ***This version does not include the rig nor the fire effect!***


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Sales 100+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 6 years ago
Software Version 2.8
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free