Procedural Alleys

by 3Djays in Models

  • How to use

First, you will have to unzip the zip file while includes the .blend file. Then open the file in Blender and copy it to your project. You can then mark the procedural alley as an asset and save the blender project file under your asset browser library file location.

 This makes it super easy to add it to any of your future projects.

Materials and its parameters

You Can switch between day and night based on your scene by toggling the material adjustment node in the shader editor.

Simply select the specific building in the Main alley asset(0 and 2-these are the only assets with indoor lighting), then toggle to the window material and adjust between day and night through the factor slider.

The same can be done for the neon lights and lanterns, just select a single neon and or lantern light from the collection(named neon and lantern respectively) adjust the emittor day/night material slider and that will change the entire neon light settings.


There may be clipping in air conditioner units when you enable the back alley wall.

Solution: lower the back alley air conditioners' probability and toggle the back alley air conditioners' seed values.

NOTE: This setup works for Blender version 3.3 and above.

Update: I have updated the neons and lanterns and basically all emissive materials settings to give them a more diffuse and realistic lighting(Simply by connecting the color to the emission strength and driving the strength with a multiply node), The whole setup should now work perfectly fine.

Sales 10+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 6 months ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
Render Engine Used cycles, eevee
Misc Data uvs-unwrapped, textured
License Royalty Free
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