Interior Complex Vol 74
Interior complex vol 74.
(buying this product you support Blender)
Here are fully modeled, textured, lighted and Cycles ready model of complex modern interior.
This interior includes:
- walls with different materials and textures
- windows, doors
- furniture (dinner room, TV, ...)
- kitchen furniture with all electronics
- childroom room
- lamps
- some decorating (vases, pics, ...)
- lighting with HDRI, portal, area and spot lamps + AO
- different shaders (glass, metals, woods, plastics, stones, carpet, ...)
- plugins free scene
- all objects and materials are properly named
- UV unwrapped
- layers sorted
- blender 2.76b + Cycles
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bconf16 childroom decoration Cycles preset Shader Material Electronics kitchen dev-fund ArchViz home texture Interior lamp furniture architecture