Here's a brief explanation of all of the nodes included:

  • POC (Per Object Coordinates): Plug it in between a texture coordinates and other node to randomize the position of that node randomly on each object. Useful for changing dirt patterns or texture coordinates on images.
  • POA (Per Object Adjustments): Plug any image, video, or texture into this node and the colors will be randomized per object (with further control if necessary). Useful for getting noticeable differences in objects with the same materials.
  • PBA (Position Based Adjustments): Plug any image, video, or texture into this node and the colors will be randomized based on the position of the object (with further control if necessary). Useful for cool effects or gradual texture change.
  • PGN (Position Gradient Noise): Generates noise that is projected onto objects based on their position. Useful for nature like trees and grass.

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Sales 10
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free
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Material random grass Fast randomize Node instance easy