
by ICity in Addons

What is ICity Addon?
Effortlessly create detailed cityscapes. Icity streamlines your workflow with procedural generation and a vast asset library (buildings, parks, props). Future updates will include even more architectural themes and urban design options.

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How to use ICity tool?
When starting to use the Add-on or pressing the “Start” button, the Add-on’s system is loaded and prepared to receive Assets. The system is loaded with a set of basic Assets that form the fundamental structure of the city, paving the way for adding other Assets.

Explore features Of ICity

Effortless City Shaping
Define your city layout with edges and faces. ICity’s procedural systems instantly transform them into detailed buildings and streets.
Dynamic Generation and Diversity:
Block-based generation seamlessly creates diverse cities. Every build is unique, thanks to our dynamic system offering endless possibilities
Procedural Road!
Craft stunning roads in seconds! Our new Procedural Road tool for Blender lets you adjust width, lanes, and assets - all seamlessly integrated. Build your vision, effortlessly.
Procedural Buildings
Ditch the pre-fab drudgery! Icity's procedural building system empowers you to sculpt unique cityscapes on the fly. No more repetitive copy-pasting – each render unleashes a fresh urban environment. Our expansive library of architectural details fuels endless variation, ensuring your cityscapes are brimming with personality and individuality.
Building Presets
Icity offers pre-made building presets for skyscrapers, apartments, courthouses, and more. Customize them further to create a unique cityscape that reflects your vision.
Imperfection is the digital perfection
Icity's imperfection system goes beyond cracks and faded paint. Scatter garbage, leaves, puddles, and even add water drainage for a truly lived-in feel. The variety of details lets you create the perfect level of urban grit for your scene.
Unique Variations
Explore our diverse range of unique variations and customizable assets, designed to suit every creative vision. With easy customization options, you have the power to craft your perfect cityscape, tailored to your unique style and preferences.

Our Addon's Inventory

Share your art with ICity!
We are proud of our community artists, this is only some of their awsome work.
Share your work with us through our discord community
-By Seth
Change log
Version 1.0.3 changes:
-Fixed an issue for Mac users where rendering the city caused a caution about texture size exceeding the maximum allowed (16384 x 16384), preventing the render.
-Resolved an issue where icons did not appear for Mac users.
-Corrected the preset icons size in the UI.

Version 1.0.2 changes:
-Addressed a problem where certain parts of buildings would disappear during rendering.

Version 1.0.1 changes:
-Fixed an issue where some assets image textures were not for some customers.