Human Embryonic Development
Human Embryonic Development
Human embryonic development progresses from a fertilized egg to a 2-cell stage, then to a 4-cell and 8-cell stage before forming a morula, which further develops into a blastula, early gastrula, and finally a gastrula, marking key milestones in the formation of complex tissues and organs.
- Format: FBX, OBJ, MTL, STL, glb, glTF, Blender v3.6.2
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- PBR Textures | 1024x1024 - 2048x2048 - 4096x4096 | (1K, 2K, 4K - Jpeg, Png)
- Base Color (Albedo)
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embryo gastrula embryology pregnancy embryonic blastula fetus earlyembryo biology Development early fertilized cell fetal morula sperm fertilizedegg pregnant EGG germinal