Hsv Color Correction Tools
HSV Color Tuner
HSV Color Tuner: is anartist-friendly addon solution for Blender users who want quick add and adjustthe color tones for a perfect and realistic balance of colors in scene, thiswill allow to quick adjust the texture hue, saturation and brightness and alsoyou can and a color overlay to a perfect tone match with the scene! all in aquick way.
I create this addon for a personal usage to havea quick and easy access and execute this adjustments very fast in the scenes Iwork on.
Go to Edit > Preferences >
1- Choose Install and select the HSV_Addon_Vx.py file
2- Activate it
3- In the side Panel you should have now a tab with the name HSV where all thetools will be available.
HSV Color Tuner
Is an artist-friendly addon solution for Blenderusers who want quick add and adjust the color tones for a perfect and realisticbalance of colors in scene, this will allow to quick adjust the texture hue,saturation and brightness and also you can and a color overlay to a perfecttone match with the scene! all in a quick way.
Megascan materials Fix : with one click we are able to quick fix themegascan asset material on the object that comes when we use the megascan addonin blender, that comes with some problems that we had to fix manually for eachone.
Mapping UV Node: Add a mapping node to the selected object and wecan adjust quickly the values for each object.
Clone Material: is a tool to quick creates a clone of thematerial on the selected object.
Arrange Material Nodes: is a tool to quick organize all the materialnodes of the selected object in the shader editor.
1.1 Update
- Some Bugs Fix
- UI Improvements
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texture tune colors megascan fix megascan material fix addon color tones addon scripts mapping tool texture color tones color texture adjustment script color tuner hsv color tuner