Horde Add-On: Procedural Crowd Tools


Can I use my own characters with the systems included in the Horde Add-on?

Technically you can. However the add-on was not designed with this purpose in mind so it can take some tweaking. The characters must be set up in the same way as the ones inside the add-on (have the same orientation and scale etc) to be instanced appropriately in a collection. To change the collection instanced go into the modifiers tab and switch the characters to your own collection.

We may work on some ways to make this easier in the future but right now it is not something easy to do within the add-on panel.

Which Version of Blender does the Horde Add-on work with?

The Horde Add-on works with Blender 3.2 and their corresponding geometry node systems. We plan on keeping it updated with future versions of Blender as well.

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Sales 800+
Customer Ratings 10
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Blender Version 4.0, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2
License Royalty Free
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