Hard Surface Modeling In Blender
Please note that a lot of this course is now very tricky to follow in the latest versions of Blender.
To reflect this the course is now half price at $30 down from the original $60, we do aim to unpublish it completely soon though.
NOTE (This only means it'll no longer be on our storepage for sale, those who have it will always have access)
We continue to keep this course available because we are often asked about it's availability despite the changes in Blender - the support and interest in the course after all this time absolutely blows us away and we are very grateful! We would like to stress though that it's definitely a trickier experience now than we intended it to be when we first created it.
One of the main reasons for it being trickier to follow is that Blender changed a lot of the interface and hotkeys around in version 2.80 (later changes have not been at all as significant compared to this 2.79 to 2.80 jump).
For more details on comparisons between how Blender looks today and how a lot of it is seen in the course you can check out this (quite old but still pretty relevant) video here : https://youtu.be/DimAFAFGNRM
Now with some additional 2.8x content!
The hard-surface modeling industry is booming, no surprises since the love for hard surface creation has been strong for a long time! Now the amount of the opportunities out there for hard-surface modelers is IMMENSE: concept art for Sci-Fi movies, props for video games, real-world robotic design, 3d printing - you name it.
If you’ve ever seen the art of Daniel Bystedt, Masterxeon1001, Vitaly Bulgarov or Neil Blevins and any number of other amazing artists, you may know that feeling of awe and excitement… and frustration. Like, how do they manage to create such realistic, detailed models?
Maybe you have come across these too, we want to give a huge shout out to people who shared their modeling concerns with us on emails and Twitter...
- Triangles and NGons are a headache
- The boolean operations are really hard to master
- Ways to create nice bevelled edges
- Cutting holes into curved surfaces
- General shading issues
- Topology is a mess
- Where to add edgeloops, how to control edgeflow
- Creating smooth transitions from one shape to another
It actually took each of us more than 10 years to accumulate enough modeling knowledge to be confident about it.
So basically we thought, what would it look like if we condensed all the knowledge required to get up and running with the hard-surface modeling, including practical AND theoretical stuff, and just put together a video course.
That’s everything you need to know to create robots and other hard-surface stuff in Blender. The comprehensive guide to the super powerful modeling workflows plus 6 hours of theory. All the right boxes ticked.
It’s like watching a whole Game of Thrones season, but about 3d modeling in Blender.
It probably won’t make you Vitaly Bulgarov, but you’ll feel WAY more confident about your modeling skills.
Aidy Burrows - Artist, Overly Optimistic, Co-Author @ Creative Shrimp
Gleb Alexandrov - Founder of Creative Shrimp, Caffeinated Artist
- Video Info: 13+ hours, 2560 x 1440, MP4 format
- 80+ Hard-surface Modeling Tutorials
- 2 Workflows: Sub-d and Boolean
- Software Used: Blender 2.79b
- Skill Level: Beginner-Intermediate
100% Blender, no third party plugins.
The first part of the videocourse, the side A as we call it, is aimed at the beginner users. It’s the essentials of modeling theory and primers and the showcase of the most popular modeling tools and techniques. 6 hours.
The side B on the other hand, requires a pretty solid understanding of the basic modeling tools and principles, UI and so on. It’s aimed at the intermediate users. 7 hours.
- All the necessary .blend files are included
- A Kitbash Set. Joints, hinges, latches, cables and many other things.
All project files are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Feel free to use these assets in your projects, even commercial.
The details: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Richard Money, Star Citizen Vehicle Artist
“Simple to digest and easy to follow.”
Jerry Perkins (masterxeon1001), Creator of Hard Ops
"So long... so educational. I will be recommending this to everyone as a prerequisite for understanding the fundamentals!"
“Very high quality...lots of good ideas and explaining why to do something and why something works the way it does”
Daniel Bystedt, Character artist
“An extremely comprehensive guide to hard surface modeling that covers both basics and pro tips. Informative as well as inspiring. Well done Gleb and Aidy!”
Yanal Sosak (YanSculpts), Character Artist
"Leave it to Gleb and Aidy to create a course that is hard to give a testimony on… Not sure how to give their work justice in a few words. This course is probably better than anything you will learn in any 3D school. This video course is packed with modeling tips, tricks, theories, and execution that will blow your mind!"
Grant Wilk, Remington Graphics
“Gleb and Aidy have your back covered when it comes to Blender courses. Goofy comments, one of a kind tips, easy to understand instruction, and expert workflows are all fruitfully abundant throughout the entirety of this course. I couldn’t have asked for more!”
Midge Sinnaeve, Motion Design & VFX Artist
"Of all the hard surface modeling courses I've seen over the years, this is one of the most complete I've ever come across. Aidy and Gleb do a great job of walking you through all the different modeling techniques in Blender to achieve a great result. You won't be disappointed!"
For more information visit CreativeShrimp.com
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