Hard Surface Detailing : Vents, Grids And Holes (Decal Pack For Decal Machine)
Installation :
- Unzip the "VGH - Ver.2.0.zip"
- Put the 3 folders (Vents - Grids - Holes) into a chosen directory (either the Decal Machine's default, which is NOT recommended, preferably in your own asset folder).
- Open Blender and hit F4 and go to preferences.
Then go to Add-ons → DECALmachine → General → Assets → Import Existing → Library from Folder or .zip
- Select one folder at a time.
Decal Machine will then install the selected zip file, and it will be ready to use.
! Updating the Asset Library for Blender 4.2x and above !
In order for the decals to show in your D menu, you will have to update them.
It's very easy, just follow the steps from Machin3's update video here :
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