Gbh Tool
Key features:
Built on the new Blender hair system
Ability to use curve, curves or mesh object as base for hair object
Fast generation and easy property editing with just a few clicks
Capability to create various types of hair, such as hair strands, stylized hair mesh, and hair cards for video games
Convenient creation of braids, curls, and rolls
Vertex color-based hair distribution on surfaces
Full UV map control (uniform or separated by length)
Hair conversion to mesh, curve, curves, or particle system for further operations
Pre-made node groups and sample materials library
Ability to load node groups and materials from your files into library
Hair rigging and automatic weight painting
Hair card texture creation
Latest Release:
v2.2.3 - Released November 21st, 2024
Blender 4.2.x or later
The mesh to hair feature is inspired by this Post from 80LV, so please consider checking out Abir "Xeofrios" Dutta's awesome work on their Gumroad.
A portion of this add-on includes code from Antti Tikka's Modifier List Blender add-on, please consider checking out their work on their Github.
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