Gas Bottle_Regulator_Hose collection is formed by an armature and three meshes.There is also a collection called GBRH Shapes, it stores the objects that are used as custom shapes in the armature.

You find 9 bones on armature which are distributed in three layers.

All bones have locked transformations, and some have constraints: Child Of; Stretch To; and Limit Rotation.

Gas Bottle has 1,861 vertices; Gas Regulator has 420 vertices; Gas Hose has 804 vertices.

Each mesh comes with 3 modifiers: an Armature; a Bevel with Weight method; and a Subdivision modifier.

UV Maps:

Other Information:
- bottle dimensions 36 x 36 x 48 cm;
- regulator dimensions 8 x 5 x 14 cm;
- hose dimensions 2,5 x 3 x 50 cm.