Fruit Pack 1

by imagophotodesign in Models

High quality, high realistic photo scanned models in low, mid and high resolution:
- 3 apples
- 2 pears
- 2 nectarines.

Each model was scanned from up to 80 images. All sides scanned, modeled and textured.
All models optimized and cleaned up

Each model comes with three different mesh resolutions:
- High: 75,000 - 81,000 vert.
- Mid:  18,000 - 20,000 vert
- Low:  4,700 - 5,100 vert

- High: 71,000 - 78,000 vert.
- Mid:  17,900 - 19,500 vert
- Low:  4,500 - 4,900 vert

- High: 74,000 - 78,000 vert.
- Mid:  18,500 - 19,400 vert
- Low:  4,600 - 4,800 vert

- No displacement or subdivisions used

All models in real world scale (height):
- apples ~ 6 -7cm
- pears ~ 13 - 15cm
- nectarines ~ 6 - 7 cm

Each model comes with the following own texture maps (all 4096 x 4096)
- Diffuse (TIFF)
- Diffuse (JPG)
- AO (JPG)
- Metallic (JPG)
- Specular (JPG)
- Glossy (JPG)
- Roughness (JPG)
- Normal (JPG)
- Height (JPG)

Models and textures logically named.

All preview renders above done in Blender/Cycles with HDRI (all shown previews are raw renders without any post processing except added text)
HDRi and scenes of the previews are not included

*) Notes to BLEND file:
- HDRI is not included in the BLEND file
- If you want to use the predefined Cycles Material Nodes you have to use BLENDER V2.79 or higher


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Sales 10
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 6 years ago
Software Version 2.79
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free