Flippednormals Portfolio Kit
Import any asset you want to light and move it to the "Assets" collection.
This ensures proper light linking. This step is important; otherwise, you won't get optimal lighting!
You can tweak all light links under each light > object > shading > light linking.
The "Lighting Setups" collection contains all the different scenes. Simply turn one on or off to test out a particular setup with your asset.
Some scenes include multiple backgrounds, e.g., 02 [S]. In this scene, you'll find _02_bg.001 and _02_bg.002. Please use one or the other, not both at the same time, or you'll get strange mesh overlap due to the background mesh.
The difference is the color. We've tested multiple colors we feel work well with the lights.
Picking a scene is about experimentation. We've created 20 bespoke setups, each with a different purpose. We have two overall categories:
[S] for stylized assets
[R] for realistic assets
Some assets will, of course, work with both types, but the setups were made with this in mind.
We also have two "category tags":
PT for Portrait Lighting
PP for Prop Lighting
But feel free to experiment, as some assets will work better with some setups than others.
There are three cameras included, each set up at specific angles for quick use. Feel free to edit them or create your own.
You can parent your assets to the "Character/Asset Parent" empty to automatically give you rotation on your asset.
The same goes for "Light Parent," which is intended to rotate the lights around your asset.
Each scene also has a "_light.ctrl" empty, allowing you to easily transform the lights in that setup.
The "DOF(Distance)" empty is linked to the depth of field in the cameras, making it easy to specify your focus. You can disable DOF by selecting a camera, clicking the camera icon, and deselecting "Depth of Field."
The "materialObject" is a container for the included materials. All are fully procedural.
The FlippedNormals Portfolio Kit was created in Blender 4.2
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portfolio 3d-lighting studio lighting blender render scene flippednormals Lighting scenarios