F16 Fuel Flow Indicator
The FUEL FLOW INDICATOR, as it's name suggests it indicates the fuel consumption in Lbs/Hour and it's very simple in it's functionality but important as far as keeping informed the pilot at what rate the fuel is getting used. It is located on the front panel top right hand corner above the MFD.
Just as general information, the F-16 at full military power and low altitudes burns about 8000 pounds of fuel an hour, which with a full droptank configuration gives it about 2 hours' flight time. In full afterburner at low altitudes, the F-16 can burn in excess of 64,000 pounds an hour. So this highlights the importance to keep an eye on that Fuel Flow rate.
And as far as Fuel capacity the F16 can carry 7,000 pounds internal or 12,000 pounds with two external tanks.
The model was created in Blender 2.79 for the Cycles engine, the textures and materials are PBR based. The model has been rigged with simple Empties for easy animation.
- Vertex Count: 16.900
- Poly Count: 16.465
NOTE: I tried to keep all the materials packed within the .blend but if for some reason it is not here, you can find them on the Texture folder in the .zip file that accompanies this panel or if you still require it, don't hesitate in contacting me.
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F16 Instrument airplane fuel flow military fighter Blender cycles fighter-jet aircraft blender-279 PBR pbr-textures fuel indicator pbr-materials jet