
by Lucas Rougé in Render Setups

Exr2Nuke - Documentation

This add-on helps you simplify your workflow if you want to do your compositing in Nuke. It outputs exrs files with understandable passes name for nuke and denoise all the passes if you want to. Without the add-on the process to denoise passes by hand is very tedious.

Installation instructions:

1- Download the Exr2Nuke.zip, don’t unzip it

2- In blender go to “Edit”>”Preferences”>”Add-ons” and click “Install”

3- Look for the Exr2Nuke.zip, click on “Install add-on” and make sure the “Enable add-on” box is ticked.

4-Ready to use!

How to use - Step by step:

1- Select the render engine that you want, Eevee and Cycles are compatible.

2- Select the passes that you want:

3- You should see the the Exr2Nuke Pane below in the same tab.

4- You can save the current passes selection for future use with “Save Fast Selection Profile”. Or Apply the current Fast Selection.

5- Tick the box  if you want to denoise all passes.

6-The add-on works by generating a node tree in the compositing workspace, so don’t forget to regenerate each time you change an option:

7- Choose the option you want. You can have 1, 2 or 3 outputs.

1 : All the passes are saved on the same exr file.

2 : Light and Data passes are saved on an exr file and the Cryptommates in a separate file.

3 : Light, Data and Cryptomamates each have their own exr file.

8- Select where you want to save your files and name them (the” ###” represents the frame numbers).

9- You are good to go! Now when you press render you should have exrs files ready to use in Nuke.


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Sales 60+
2 ratings
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
License GPL
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output cryptomatte Render blender Workflow nodes exr nuke