Erica Replica Chair & Table

by iMeshh Official in Models

1 – How to use the product

To add the product to your scene. Download the product from Blender Market and unzip the file into a directory of your choice.
Then go into Blender and click File>Append. You will then navigate to the product you downloaded and click on the .blend file. You can then navigate to Collections or Objects and append whichever items you like from this .blend file.

All appended products will contain the necessary textures, shaders and other data needed to render.

2 – Licence

2.1 – iMeshh products contain a Royalty Free license. All buyers of the products must follow the following guidelines

2.2 – Users are allowed to display products purchased from iMeshh in personal and commercial rendered still images and moving images. Unless specifically stated on the product upload page. This may include, but not limited to still/moving images which:
– Are to be used in film, stock images, films
– Published in books, or other print materials
– Used in video games, but contained inside a proprietary format and can
be seen during gameplay, but the products can not be unpacked and
used by another person or entity

2.3 Users must not sell any purchased products or free download products from iMeshh, even if modified.

2.4 Users must not sell any textures that come with 3D products sold from our store.

2.5 Products must not be distributed unless asked for consent from iMeshh first or the Vendor selling the product. Any distributed products must be labeled clearly that those products came from


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 2.8
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Normal Mapped
License Royalty Free
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