Cyberpunk Anime Girl Blender Rig - Emily

Dillon Goo in Models

Can I use this character as a VTuber?

Since streaming is generally considered a commercial endeavor, using her character design as a VTuber is not allowed. It is high recommended to design an original character for your own VTuber avatar anyway. But you're welcome to use Emily as a tool for studying modeling and rigging to help create your own character!

Can I use this character in VR Chat?

While it is not VR Chat compatible out of the box, if you can modify the rig to be compatible with VR Chat, it should be fine to use! However, you are not allowed to redistribute the model to other players.

Can I use this character in my game or movie?

If the game or movie is a commercial project (intended to make money), then the answer is no, as the character still belongs to DillonGoo Studios. However, if it's a personal project that's for the purposes of practice or for putting in a demo reel, absolutely!!

Will I need to use Goo Engine to use this rig?

You do NOT need to use Goo Engine to use this rig! This purchase includes a native Blender compatible file, as well! So you have the option to use either Goo Engine or Blender native. However, there will be some custom shading features that Goo Engine uses for the rig that will not be available in the Blender native version of the rig.


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Sales 400+
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
Misc Data Rigged
License Editorial