Electric Guitar With Stand, Amplifier And Cable Set

by pixelpoems.de in Models

  DOCUMENTATION: To use the Guitar Scene, or just parts of it,  in your scene you just need to go through this simple process which is as follows: a) Choose File -> Append -> Choose the proper blend File -> Choose "Group", and then choose the Group you would like to insert into your scene. All Group names are self explanatory. b) Each Object of the particular Group is parented to an Empty which is named the same as the Group. So you can easily scale, move and rotate the desired object, according to your Scene. For more informations, please see the images below. Groups   c) If neccessary, tweak the settings of the Shaders, like shown in the image below. If there are any Questions left, please give me a coment and i will help you out as best as i can. Description_Guitar_Shader       Metal_Gold   If you need more information, please let me know, and i will help you out as best as i can!  


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Sales 20+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 10 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free