Easy House Scatter

by Washington Filho in Modifier Setups

This is a geometry nodes system for scattering houses along faces, helping the artists to create big neighborhood in seconds. Also all houses and elements are organized in collections, very simple and easy to use individually. Its ideal for Archviz and other 3D tasks. 
This first contain:
- The Scatter system
- 10 houses in North America style.
- Some elements to compose the environment.
The Scatter system allows you:
- remove/show the composition elements (bushes, trees, fence and soil) all together or individually. 
- Add fake interiors to all houses at once for night shots.

Tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DedXw45SNE&t=20s&ab_channel=WashingtonFilho

More to come. Get It now and have all future updates free forever!

Compatibility: Blender 3.4 +


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Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.1
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