Driftwood Floor Shader

by pixelpoems.de in Surfacing

Driftwood Floor

Washed up, the lingin long-since washed out, driftwood has a typical greyish, silvery apprearance. This aged yet noble looking floor can be used in any modern architectural scene in the same way like in old bars.

High Res (8k) and Low Res Shader included

The Blend File contains a 8k and a 4k Material Setup, already pre-installed in the Material Slot. Simply choose the material of your choice according to your requirements.

Texture and Shader Data

High Resolution Version is 8192x8192, low resolution is 4096x4096 in size, all of jpg. Filetype.The Texture Set also contains a Color ID Map vor giving the boards a unique color pattern if you would like to. The Shader also contains a Interstices Option, wich can be used to display Interstices via a implemented Texture.

Documentation of Shader included

Within the Pack you will find a PDF with a description of the Material Nodes (which also can be downloaded in the Product Documentation Section),  


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Sales 10+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 10 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free