Double Comic

by Andrew Combs Desgins in Surfacing

Each of the comic shaders is easy enough to get the hold of within several minutes, but if you want to know exactly what each input does you can find it here (there is also an attached documentation document):

Shader - The base shader, or what the stylized lighting is applied to. "Diffuse BSDF" recommended 

Lighting Shader - The shader used to determine the highlights and shadows. "Principled BSDF" recommended

Shadow Scale - The scale of the dot or hatch on the shadow areas

Highlight Scale - The scale of the dot or hatch on the highlight areas

Shadow Influence - How visible the shadow is over the base shader

Highlight Influence - How visible the highlight is over the base shader

Shadow Color - The color of the applied shadows

Highlight Color - The color of the applied highlights


Scale Override (DOT) - The scaling that is applied to all the dots. This can be used to correct deformations due to aspect ratios or just for cool effects

Rotation Override (HATCH) - The rotation that is used for the lines. For an authentic look, the lines should face toward the main light source.


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Sales 100+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 5 years ago
Software Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82
Render Engine Used Eevee
License Royalty Free
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