Dirty Vintage Simple Toilet Seat With Subdivision

by Shop Tom Store in Models


I modeled and painted this toilet not only for purpose to use in arquitecture but to be flexible to use in any sort of project composition, scenery composition, destroyed/apocalipse stages, design, arquitecture and much more.

And one of the things that I created was 3 options of color dirt paintings textures in some meshes that you can use to help to telling diferent storyline dependend of your work, so it can be used in diferents projects and places not only in bathroons and arquitecture. Or just not use the textures so there is an another option as well when you want to build a clean place for instance, in the Blender and 3DSmax doc you have the material already for this purpose and in the end increases the use that you can make it.

I placed the center of the object in the right places to be easy to blocking/position and animated. Such in the cover open part of the toilet that you can open and closed and animated easy.

And I didn't copy any toilet I really created it and that's means you can use without any problems with blend's license around. It can be set in the bathroons, dirty places, destroyed places and much more.

I prepared 2 options of use for this model, you can use with BPR texture on Low Poly Mesh or use any sort of OpenSubdivision to improve the geometry of the mesh and make it High Poly and because the textures have 30 pixels of teselation that means you can use also in High Poly Subdivisions just be sure to not destroy the UVs in this modifie process, and also I included crease on edges in Blender and 3DS max doc to make it fast its uses as well. And in the end you can use in many independend ways it can be fits for render and diferent sort of games to help you save time.

It's avaible in BPR with diferent presets of resolution 4k and 2048x2048, all in PNG formats. I did this because dependend of the work is unnecessary to use higher resolution and it helps in save memory.

It's Includet High Poly meshes that you can use to render with more details without subdivision, do bakes and create your oun paints to fits better in you projects and other things that you can do and all option with UVs Unrwapping. And also I included Low Poly Meshes with separete parts of the toilet to make ease the blocking instead to take the all model.

Model consists of 5 parts with diferent UVs and textures presets

  • Toilet
  • Flush Button
  • Cover UP Open Mechanism
  • Cover Down Open
  • Box Flush Toilet

I made separeted to make easy to create diferent presets of this toilet and reuse and use in some many projects and ways.

Resume everything, you are going to buy it's a model that can be fit in anything that you make it without the trouble to modifie textures, retopoligy and help saving thousands of time.

More Details

  • low poly retopoligy with clean topology and optimized geometry for OpenSubdivision options
  • High Poly meshs included in Doc formats
  • Good heirarchy and rename objects
  • All UVs unwrapped and there is not overlapping
  • PBR support channel (Albeto(Color), Meteleness, Normal Map, Roughness, AO)

  • Scale Used: CM in Blender with 1 of scale in export files

  • Formats available: blender, .obj, .fbx, .3DSmax, 3DS and STL

  • Poly Counts: 118

  • Formats Textures: PNG

  • Resolution Textures: 4098x4098(4K), 2048x2048

  • Total Megabytes Archieves: 300MB

I hope that you liked it and for any problems or question just contact me !!!!!!!!


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 3.1, 3.2
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Low-High-Resolution, Normal-Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free