Eevee + Cycles Materials System

Chipp Walters in Surfacing

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 33 ratings by the community.

  • dennis445
    3 months ago

    Would like to use this, for some reason I can't download the folder only files individual. That will take way too long. So not sure how to rate this (I will give it 3 stars for now). Maybe the products good, but the delivery...not so much. Maybe a zip file in Google Drive? Perhaps a zip with incremental updates?

    • Chipp Walters

      3 months ago

      You should be able to just select a folder using the web browser version of Google drive, and right click on it and download it, and it will zip it up for you.

  • Yotam Sraya
    3 months ago

    I would love to get help downloading the plugin for my blender, I'm having trouble downloading the texture

    • Chipp Walters

      3 months ago

      Help us help you.

  • Alen Rocha
    4 months ago

    Great product. Just it is such a hassle installing. I had to register my email for a googledrive link with the actual product instead of the usual download zip, click preference and install addons here on the market. If there wasn't an option to provide the email to send the gdrive link to, I wouldn't have gotten the link and product because I lost the email account I used to register here in BlenderMarket. Please improve the distribution system for the buyers. Would have given 5 stars if it wasn't for that registration thing.

    • Chipp Walters

      4 months ago

      There are well over 2 GB of materials. And, they are frequently updated as I have them synced to my own personal folders so that when I change or update or add new files they are made available within 24 hours to customers. You only need to sort by date modified on Google drive to see the new versions. If you want a zip file, all you need to do is download the folder and Google will zip them for you.

      It doesn't make sense to update a single zip file of over 2 GB for every single new material added. Not to mention, Blender Market is terrible at maintaining a connection when trying to upload huge files.

      Blender Market does say that they are working on a better system and when that becomes available I will switch to it.

  • Justin
    9 months ago

    Love the product, but not pleased with the change in distribution system and that's why I give this 4 stars. Used to be you would download everything through BlenderMarket, now I have to make a gmail and provide that to access GoogleDrive instead of using the same system for every other Blender addon I've bought through here. No thank you.

    • Chipp Walters

      4 months ago

      There are well over 2 GB of materials. And, they are frequently updated as I have them synced to my own personal folders so that when I change or update or add new files they are made available within 24 hours to customers. You only need to sort by date modified on Google drive to see the new versions. If you want a zip file, all you need to do is download the folder and Google will zip them for you.

      It doesn't make sense to update a single zip file of over 2 GB for every single new material added. Not to mention, Blender Market is terrible at maintaining a connection when trying to upload huge files.

      Blender Market does say that they are working on a better system and when that becomes available I will switch to it.

  • Robert Green
    over 1 year ago

    The best material pack I've purchased so far. It's not only top quality materials that look amazing, but performance friendly for creators like me that have to run Eevee. I recommend spending time understanding how the nodes are built and how you can customize within the nodes. Well worth the purchase and looking forward to future products by CW.

  • Ivo Brouwer
    over 2 years ago

    Really great tool to get excellent materials. I have various add-ons from Chip Walters and the quality of the add-ons and the results are really good. This is a "must have" when using materials.

  • Christer Andersén
    over 2 years ago

    Eevee+Cycles is a genuinely superb add-on!

  • RBG
    over 2 years ago

    After aound 2 years I ordered this product I simply realize that it is one of the blender Market product I use the most often (including Kit OPS) because I find that is the quickest way to texture my scenes with a really nice render with Eevee. This speeds up my process and even if I have other material library products, this is the one I use the most due to the simplicity to use, the process speed and the quality of the materials. The only thing I would really appreciate is sometimes an update of this library with new other materials to enjoy but Chipp Walters never stopped improving his products so I'm confident to have one day the surprie of an update annoucement for this smart library

  • Aaron
    about 3 years ago

    Grab this for sure. If you are an industrial designer or concept artist, this will handle a large swath of material needs in a simple yet customizable manner. If you are coming over from KeyShot, this will be your new go-to library for shading and texturing. Chip has set up easy-to-understand and optimized nodes so you'll be able to dial things into perfection.

  • Christopher Nichols
    about 3 years ago

    If you use Kitops(why wouldn't you?) then this is one of the best ways to add materials!

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Sales 4000+
33 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 6 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License Royalty Free