Decal Machine To Substance Painter
Decal Machine to Substance Painter converts decals or libraries of decals for any other industry standard texturing software. Instead of having to manually separate the ambient occlusion, curvature and height map, or to manually squarify each individual component by hand, DM2SP solves all of these problems, and more, with a couple of clicks. It also assigns unique name identifiers, is able to append custom prefixes and suffixes to those names and has quite few useful tweaks.
Dm2SP relies on OpenCv for Python for the heavy lifting. In order to install OpenCv for you system, follow the following link:
A detailed Windows installation is provided in the addon tutorial at :
The installation of the addon itself, just use the usual procedure:
Edit->Preferences->Add-Ons->Install-> pick the provided .zip file
Enable the add-on
That's it!
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