Cycles Shading Pack

by Johnson Martin in Surfacing

100% Procedural Shading.

Each shader in this collection has been tuned and perfected for maximum realism and believably. With every shader grouped into a convenient node group, its easy to customize each shader for your needs. Procedural textures means there's no need for UV maps or image textures, saving time and energy.

Twelve Hand-Crafted Materials.

  • Leather: Commonly used for furniture or clothing.
  • Hammered Copper: Great for jewelry and architectural uses.
  • Advanced Glass: For anything from Diamonds to Windows.
  • Marble: Great for Architecture renderings and statues.
  • Cork: For anything involving cork!
  • Car Paint: Perfect for your sports car render.
  • Antique Brass: For all those old metal objects
  • Galvanized Steel: A metal used in industrial settings.
  • Polished Stone: Great for anything from statues to floors.
  • Stone Tile: For architectural scenes.
  • Styrofoam: For product renderings involving packaging.
  • X-ray: Useful for medical visualizations.

Support Blender Development!

$1.80 of each sale goes directly to the Blender Development fund. So by buying this product you're actually supporting Blender development!


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Sales 30+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 10 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free