Create A Procedural Etching Material And Reveal Animation

by Harry Helps in Training

My name is Harry! I’m a professional 3d artist with over a decade of experience. I’ve worked most recently as the Studio Director of an award winning architectural visualization studio.

In this class, we’ll be creating this procedural hand drawn material! Then we’ll tie it all together at the end of the class, by creating a stylish reveal animation to display our statue in the best light.

I'll also throw in a simplified custom node group for the procedural etching material that you can append into any project you'd like! This material is made specifically for the Eevee render engine.

Procedural materials differ from standard image based textures by allowing you to design unique but totally customizable materials without the need of pixel based images.

This means you can apply this hand drawn material to any model you can think of to make it look like a classical etching from the 16th century!

Speaking of classical artwork, have I mentioned we’ll be working with this awesome Rhinocéros sculpture made by Henri-Alfred Jacquemart in 1878?

This rhino sculpture is part of a preconfigured starter file, as well as a fully textured and animated end file so you can check your work. You can download them from the project resources section!

Just make sure you have Blender 3.5 or newer installed!

In this class you’ll learn:

  • The Basics of Procedural Texture Creation: We'll explore the many shading nodes and their effects that are key to procedural materials such as the ColorRamp, Shader to RGB and Math nodes!
  • Shader Node Grouping: We’ll work step-by-step creating each node group to learn how they affect the final texture and each other.
  • Lighting Animation: By animating our lights on and off in sequence, we’ll create a stylish reveal animation loop with just a few simple keyframes.
  • Rendering: We’ll do some really simple compositing in Blender before rendering our final animation! We’ll finish the class by converting this animation into an animated GIF that you can share with your friends and family!

You'll create:

  • A stylish reveal animation featuring a procedural etching material.

You'll receive:

  • 6 Tutorial Videos (over 40 minutes of instruction)
    • 1 - Creating the Base Material
    • 2 - Adding the Etching Lines
    • 3 - Adding Texture to the Etching Lines
    • 4 - Animating a Stylish Reveal Animation
    • 5 - Simple Compositing and Final Rendering
    • 6 - Converting Our Video into an Animated GIF
  • A preconfigured starter file with lighting, rhino model and render settings
  • A completed end file with animated lighting, rhino model, finished materials and render settings
  • A Blender 3.5 file with a simplified custom node group for the procedural etching material that you can append into any project you'd like! This material is made specifically for the Eevee render engine.

This class is meant for intermediates, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be hopelessly lost if you’re a beginner. However, I will be moving through these lessons with the assumption that you’re somewhat familiar with Blender already.

If you’re just getting into Blender, I’d highly recommend you look at my Blender Market Shop for a beginner class of mine!

These beginner classes will give you the best starting experience if you’re brand new to Blender!


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 3.5
License Royalty Free