Conformal Channel (Old Version)
Objective of this Addon is to create a conformal channel based on the mesh object boundary with a single click button. Useful for conformal cooling applications.
1) Installation
- Download the python file.
- Open Blender(2.8-Version)
- Go to 'Edit > Preferences'
- Click 'Add-ons'
- On the top, from 'Official','Community','Testing','Install','Refresh' click 'Install'
- Point the path to your downloaded '' file
- Then click 'Install Add-on from File...'
- Tick the 'Enable Addon' box
- Click 'Save Preferences' and close dialog box
- In Blender 3D VIEW if you click any MESH object, on the side bar you will see conformal channel tab.
2) Context objects created in Scene>Collection for each mesh object
- CentralCurve
- >Created at the center of bounding box
- >Should be inside completely in the mesh object.Otherwise you will see unwanted results
- ConformCurve (Curve Object) : By default it will be in 'hide' position. If you want manual editing you use this curve object and modify the channel in your own way
- ConformCurveMesh (Mesh Object): Use this Mesh object for Boolean operation. All mesh editing features can apply in this object. In Youtube tutorial it was labelled as 'ConformCurve.001'.
- Crossection_object: Crossection of the channel.By default it is circle. You can change it by changing the 'Bevel' object of the 'ConformCurve' CURVE object by manually to the crossection you needed.
For each run the older one deleted and new one will create for the respective active mesh object
3)Channel Properties
a) INPUT_LOCATION : Location where channel originate.(However the channel will protrude slightly outward in order to
facilitate boolean operation with another object where this channel path have to create inside it)
b) OUTPUT_LOCATION : Location where channel ends.(However the channel will protrude slightly outward in order to
facilitate boolean operation with another object where this channel path have to create inside it)
c) dir_in : Input direction of cooling channel
d) dir_out :Output direction of cooling channel
e) cen_end1(Z-):Starting point of 'CentralCurve' (check in 'Scene Collection')
f) cen_end2(Z+):Ending point of 'CentralCurve'
g) cen_line_subdivi: Subdivision number of 'CentralCurve'.Number of coils of channel is based on this number.
h) curve_subdivi: lateral subdivision of the 'ConformCurve' curve. Higher the value, more conformity (accurate) but will be difficult if manual editing needed on either 'ConformCurve' curve object or 'ConformCurve' mesh object because of more number of points.
i) from: per loop starting point
j) to: per loop ending point
k) dist_from_surf : distance of channel from object surface. Inward or outward possible
l) cross_sec_rad : Radius of the circle crosssection
m) REVERSE CHANNEL :Input and output connection get reversed
n) SplineType:
>BEZIER - for fine curve and editing
>NURBS - for smooth curve and editing
>POLY - for rough curve and editing
o) HandleType: Only applicable for 'BEZIER' SplineType.Check Blender 2.8 Manual for more
p) Obj: Current active object you selected for creating conformal channel.Based on the name in this section the algorithm will work.
q) Create Channel - Conformal channel is generated by clicking this button based on above values.
For more with pictures check this link :
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