Color Picker
SV+H Color Picker
HS Color Picker
SV Color Picker
Slicing Feature in SV Color Pickers
With the marked gizmos you can slice the picker so it will crop to the rectangular area you define within the cuts, as shown in the image.
Result of slicing. [Video]
HSV Graphic Sliders
RGB Graphic Sliders
Color Preview
+ Recent Colors !
EXCLUSIVE Visual Widget for Weight Paint mode! 😄
Widget to control weight value in weight paint mode.
Addon Preferences
Addon preferences with its properties
Note: all those settings are also available in 3d viewport's sidebar at 'Paint' tab where they are contextual (showing the settings just for the active mode).
So far, you can control:
- Size of the widget for each mode.
- Type of color picker (SV, SV+H, HS).
- Keymap (shortcut) for each mode/widget.
- DPI, for text (important setting for large screens).
- If widget should close itself when releasing hot-key.
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