Collection Tools
useful operators and tools that makes working with collections much more enjoyable and you might now from other software.
Integrated Feature List:
- Delete empty collections
- New collection from selected collections (will be created in the collection of the active collection, also works on hidden collections)
- New collection from selected objects (will be created in the collection of the active object, also works on hidden objects)
- Merge collections (move objects from selected collections to the active one and deletes the old ones)
- Split collections by objects (Create a new collection for each object. Child objects will be put in their parents' collection and do not get an individual collection)
- Split collections by type (Create a new collection for each type of object in the active collection and move all objects in the respective collection)
- New scene from collection (create a new scene from the active collection, either copy the current scene settings or with default settings)
- Renaming collection from collection property panel
- Collection statistics
Object amount
amount per type
information about each type (vertex count, edge count, spline count etc)
- Blender 4.3 Support
- Newly created collections will adapt color of target collection
- Move collections to collection (like the "move object to collection" operator, but for collections) Will also adapt to color of target collection
- Move Objects to Collection+: Like to default move to collection operator but with a different layout and option for searching collections as well as support for including children.
Upcoming features:
Move collections to collection (like the "move object to collection" operator, but for collections)DONE - Collection Viewport display integration (affect viewport display style of all objects inside a collection at once)
- optional Buttons at outliner top for quickly add new collection and move collections
- Collections to Hierarchy
- Hierarchy to Collections
- Collection Tags (show/hide by tags etc)
- Pie menu (for visibility overview, different operators etc)
- User-Defined Collection Metadata (allows to add different kinds of information to each collection such as project notes, client information, or workflow status - especially useful when working together with other people)
- Any ideas or suggestion you have and propose me will be exanimated and might make it to the addon, so don't hesitate to hit me up!
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