Cielo Backgrounds
Instructions for Blender 3.0 or above.
Setting up the asset library
Unpack the provided zip file somewhere in your system
Go into the Blender Preferences and into the File Paths section
Click on the + icon to add an asset library
Navigate into your extracted CIELO Backgrounds folder and click on Add Asset Library
Important: Do not click on the Sources directory. The path should end in \CIELO Backgrounds\ and not in \Sources\
Make sure your new asset library is correctly named
Allowing Python Execution
It is recommended to allow automatic Python execution in order for the asset UI to load automatically after dropping an asset into your scene. This setting can be found under the Save & Load preferences.
Open up an Asset Browser window
Switch to the CIELO Backgrounds asset to be presented with the full list of CIELO matte backgrounds!
Drag one of the CIELO backgrounds into your scene.
Go to the CIELO tab in the World Properties to access the control interface!
For a complete tour of all available settings go to the main page!
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