Cg-Lion Wood Presets Pack 1.0

On Sale! by CG-Lion in Surfacing

Using the Wood Presets Pack:

In your scene,
Choose File > Append,
Locate the ‘CGL_Cycles_Wood_Presets_Pack_1.0.blend’ file, and click it to browse its contents.
Click the ‘Material’ folder,
Double click the wanted wood material preset,
Or select one or more of the wanted wood material presets, and press ‘Append From Library’.

Select the wanted object in your scene,
In the ‘Materials’ properties tab, add a new material, or select an existing material,
Click the material data-block drop-down button, and select the wood preset material you appended to the file.


1. For the wood preset material to produce correct results,
The object has to be modeled to real world scale and to have its scale property applied.
> To change the scale of the whole procedural wood pattern change the Scale values in the Mapping node in the wood material preset.

2. By default, the wood patter natural axis is the object's X axis,
The pattern can be rotated to any direction by setting rotation values in the Mapping node that is connected to the CGL_Wood_3D node in the material.

3. Changing the wood pattern properties can be slow to update in the 'Material' viewport display mode,
it's recommended to tweak the material design while in 'Rendered' display mode.

4. The wood material presets are optimized for medium to close-up product rendering, and will usually need tweaking for use i other scenarios like architecture.

The CGL_Wood_3D shader reference:

Color A:
The ‘primary’ or brighter color of the wood pattern.

Color B:
The ‘Secondary’ or darker color of the wood pattern.

Pattern Intensity:
The intensity of the pattern. Higher values will make the pattern more contrasty Color B more dominant.

Pattern Pedestal:
The ‘reference black’ or ‘input black level’ value of the pattern, higher values will offset the wood pattern towards Color B.

Radial Color Cycle Weight:
The intensity of radial color changes across the stem. Higher values will cause the color offset to be darker and more prominent.

Radial Color Cycle Frequency:
The frequency of radial color changes across the stem. Higher values will cause the color changes to happen at shorter distances from the core.

Radial Color Cycle Offset:
Offset the pattern of radial color changes across the stem outward from the core, or inwards.

Radial Color Cycle Blend:
The softness of the blending between the brighter areas and the darker areas of the radial color cycles.

Paint Color:
An option to simulate painted wood, this color will have effect only when ‘Paint Weight’ is higher than 0.0.

Paint Weight:
The weight with which the paint layer is covering the wood, a value of 1.0 will cover the original wood colors completely. Wood bump and specular patterns are still present.

Simulates aged wood by reducing the saturation and brightness of the colors.

Overall Color Multiply:
A color that is multiplied with the overall diffuse texture to allow more creative control, like wood burning for example. When this color is pure white it has no effect.

Global Scale:
The global scale of the internal noise patterns.
>To change the scale of the whole procedural wood pattern change the Scale values in the Mapping node in the wood material preset.

Rings Density:
The density of the stem ring pattern.

Rings Grow:
Controls gradual growth in the gap between the rings. A value of 0.0 makes the gap or Ring Density constant. Higher values will make the gap grow with distance from the core.

Ring Density Distortion Scale:
The scale of the noise pattern that adds distortion to the wood rings density.

Ring Density Distortion Amplitude:
The Amplitude of the noise pattern that adds distortion to the wood rings density.

General wood pattern distortion multiplier

Distortion Length:
Amount of wood pattern distortion along the wood natural axis.

Distortion Face:
Amount of wood pattern distortion along the wood stem.

Distortion Radial Scale:
The scale of the radial noise pattern.

Micro Distortion Scale:
The scale of the noise pattern that creates the micro distortions in the wood pattern.

Micro Distortion Stretch:
The amount the noise pattern that creates the micro distortions in the wood pattern is stretched along the natural axis

Micro Distortion Radial Scale:
The radial scale of the noise pattern that creates the micro distortions in the wood pattern.

Base Wood Roughness:
The glossy roughness of the natural wood layer of the shader.

Base Wood Roughness Variation:
The amount the wood pattern affects the glossy roughness

Varnish Coat Weight:
The mix amount of the glossy varnish coat layer.

Varnish Coat IOR:
The Refractive index of the glossy varnish coat layer.

Varnish Coat Roughness:
The glossy roughness of the glossy varnish coat layer.

Base Wood Bump Strength:
The strength of the bump of the base wood layer.

Varnish (Coat) Bump Strength:
The strength of the bump of the varnish coat layer.

Extra Bump:
Input for connecting an extra bump texture (like scratches for example).

Base (Wood) Reflect Multiplier:
General reflection multiplier of the base wood layer.

Varnish (Coat) Reflect Multiplier:
General reflection multiplier of the glossy varnish coat layer.

Pattern Coordinates:
A vector input for controlling the general direction and offset of the wood pattern.


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Sales 70+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 6 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8, 2.79, 2.78
License Royalty Free