Advanced Carbon Fiber Shader [Procedural - Cycles & Eevee]

by SMOUSE in Surfacing

Q: How is it Physically Accurate?

Because the shader is 100% procedural, we're able to break it down into individual elements, without the need of additional maps.

With that, we can isolate those elements for precisely affecting say, how much displacement the individual fibers have compared to the main weave pattern.

Because of this, we're also able to pull from the generators that make the weave patterns, and simulate accurate anisotropy effects! This means that the reflected light will be drawn and follow along the path of the fibers, rather than being solely diffused. 

(Physically Accurate Anisotropy is currently only limited to Cycles, since Eevee lacks anisotropy support.)

Q: What's the benefit of this being procedural, over a normal image texture?

Traditional carbon fiber textures usually look great, however they have some drawbacks. If you want high amounts of detail with an image texture, you'll also need related PBR maps, and if you're using a high res. texture (8k+), you will quickly run into performance and vram budget problems.

Our shader being procedural solves all of that!

Scale the fibers as big or as small as you'd like (with a single slider), without ever having to worry about seams/tiling issues! Each fiber is also infinitely unique from each other, so you'll never see patterns in there either!

It also automatically generates its own Normal, Bump, Specular, and Roughness maps, so no need to worry about messing with those either.

Q: I need a very specific look for my client. What can I expect from this shader?

We designed this shader to be as easy to approach and use as possible without being overwhelming, while still giving you nearly unrestricted control over the exact look of the shader, and the fiber properties.

Client wants a more subtle fiber look?

Simple! Turn the individual fiber details and shadow depth down with their respective sliders!

Client vaguely asked, "Make it more... Christmas-y."?

Easy! You can change the colors of each fiber direction to whatever you want! Make them a deep red like Santa's Sleigh, or even a Red and White pattern! Or any colors or pattern you wish! 

You can even upload your own custom image texture for even more control!

  • $7

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Sales 100+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 3 years ago
Software Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0
License GPL