Cafe Connection - Interacting Bubbles - Velocity Collision Force And Intersection Awareness In Geometry Nodes
A procedural "collision-avoidence" kinetic system in GeoNodes, utilizing the "Index of Nearest" node to create a "particle" setup, which reacts and moves controlled by an animated object, while avoiding self-intersection.
The file is providing a practical example of such system, kept as simple as possible. Only some nodes are contracted to Node Groups, to keep the node tree readable and easy to analyse and reuse.
Essentially, we check the "vector" (direction and distance) to the effector object from each point. Then we move the points in that direction, while simultaneously checking for its nearest neighbor and adjust its velocity (direction and magnitude of movement) accordingly. Finally, you can instance any object you wish on these points.
The file is optimized for and rendered in Eevee (Render Viewport animation). Of course, you can set up any renderer you wish.
-(Since it is a concept demonstration, it is kept as simple as possible.) The GeoNodes trees are kept clean for easier readability and have detailed explanations. Everything is built from the base. The point of these setups is to provide a base core of the concept, node from node, instead of contracting all into node groups with exposed settings, which makes everything harder to read and dissect.
You can embellish, refine as you wish based on the core or realize your own ideas.
-Read the text description, it has a lot of useful info !
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