Procedural Masonry Generator レンガ構造物ジェネレーター

by Sho Fujita in Modifier Setups

This generator transforms simple-shaped meshes into complex brick structures.

It is a valuable tool that will enhance your projects.

Updated to support angular shapes.

This feature will be improved in the future.

For optimal results, ensure that each side’s width is an integer multiple of the brick width.

Adjustable Sizes

You can fully customize the size of the bricks, including the gaps between them.

Randomized Appearance

Brick clutter can be adjusted, supports rotation and translation by XYZ axis.

Replaceable Brick

You can replace the brick assets with any assets of your choice.

Depending on your needs, you can also adjust their details and polygon count.

Masking by Material  

Allows you to exclude specific faces from brick generation.

Assign a custom material to the faces where you do not want bricks to be generated.

Wall Top Accent

Generates a row of bricks along narrow surfaces.

This feature can be toggled on or off.

Demonstration Bricks

This scene includes only test brick assets.

Consider purchasing your preferred brick assets separately to customize your project further.


About Licenses

There are personal and commercial licenses available.
In either case, you need to purchase a license for each user.
Note: "User" refers to anyone who adjusts the parameters of the Geometry Nodes or edits meshes containing the Geometry Nodes. If someone other than the user simply opens a scene containing this generator, no additional purchase is required.
Distribution to an unspecified number of people is prohibited.


  • Due to the influence of node behavior, this generator works with versions 4.2 and higher.
  • Bricks are not generated for meshes that are too large. Subdivide as needed.
  • The demo images use brick assets from for demonstration purposes. However, due to licensing restrictions, these assets are not included in the distributed data.

  • For non-commercial use. Per user.

  • For unlimited commercial use, including unlimited sales. Per user.


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Sales 100+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 4 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
License Royalty Free