Brembo Brake Calipers

by harrison-design in Models

Tightly modeled Brembo front brake calipers for a motorcycle or anything else you wish to use them on. The large bulk of the main caliper has been constructed from one mesh with few parts grouped to the main body. This ready to go, pre grouped model is waiting to be appended straight to your own scene. The mesh has been unwrapped, materials applied and ready to render. 

The calipers alone contain 375K Tris.

Only Subsurf modifiers exist in the scene. Used but not applied. This gives great results with a render setting of 2.  

The file has been layed out simply for ease. A Help Document is also supplied to help navigate the file if needed.


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 7 years ago
Software Version 2.6x, 2.7x, 2.77, 2.78, 2.79
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Textured
License Editorial
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