Rahul Parihar
about 1 year ago
Hi Jason, Thanks for the feedback! :)
The textures don't "stick" to the mesh because like most procedural shaders, Blego uses 'Object' mapping by default, which projects the textures from all 3 axes (also know as Tri-planar mapping), using the object's origin as center.
Now when the mesh is moved with a rig or shape keys, the object and its origin don't move at all (i.e. no change in loc/rot/scale), so the textures are still projected the same way, which leads to "loose textures not sticking to the mesh".
Blego 2.0 (free update) is coming soon with new material and GeoNodes modifiers. A 'Mapping' option will let you switch to UV mapping (instead of Object mapping), so that UVs can be used to map textures that will fully stick to animated mesh.
Hope this helps. If there is anything else that you'd like to see in the update, feel free to share via DM. Cheers!