Batch Attack

by EnnJinn in Addons

Updated for 4.0+ 

Download for Blender4.x+
Download for Blender 3.x 

New naming convention(s) supported: 

  1. Albedo/Diffuse/Base Color:

    • ["albedo", "color", "col", "diffuse", "base_color", "basecolor", "diff", "colour", "map", "surface", "texture", "sfc_col", "tex_col"]
  2. Roughness/Glossiness:

    • ["roughness", "rough", "gloss", "glossiness", "gls", "rgh", "matte", "shininess", "shiny", "specularlevel", "speclevel", "glosslevel", "smoothness", "smt"]
  3. Metalness/Metallic:

    • ["metalness", "metal", "metallic", "mtl", "metalmap", "met", "refl", "reflectionlevel", "reflectivity"]
  4. Normal Map:

    • ["normal", "norm", "nrm", "bump", "bumpmap", "normap", "nor"]
  5. Bump Map:

    • ["bump", "bumpmap", "height", "heightmap", "hmp", "bumpiness", "bmp"]
  6. Ambient Occlusion:

    • ["ao", "ambient occlusion", "occlusion", "ambient", "amb", "shadow", "shd", "occl"]
  7. Emissive/Emission:

    • ["emissive", "emission", "emissivity", "emit", "glow", "luminance", "lum", "selfillum", "self-illumination"]
  8. Specular/Reflection:

    • ["specular", "spec", "reflection", "refl", "shine", "shiny", "reflective", "reflect", "spe", "specmap"]
  9. Displacement:

    • ["displace", "displacement", "height", "heightmap", "dsp", "dspmap", "displacementmap", "terrain", "elevation", "elev"]
  10. Opacity/Alpha/Transparency:

    • ["opacity", "alpha", "transparent", "transparency", "opac", "alphamap", "trans", "see-through", "clear", "visibility"]

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Sales 30+
5 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License GPL