Bake Wrangler

by DFS in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 22 ratings by the community.

  • Vegard
    24 days ago

    This add-on is fantastic. Within just a few hours of owning this, it definitely saved enough time to make up for the price, and even opened up some new doors. Having a good baking solution all built into blender without having to open another program for materials is great. It does sometimes crash though (usually when copy-pasting nodes, though not often), and I didn't find a great way to bake alpha maps, or even bake things into the alpha channel at all. I did get it to work using a thickness baking, and a custom shader for alpha maps in unity, but this felt a bit cumbersome. This could be just user error, though, and if there actually is a way to bake into the alpha channel, I'm all ears.

    • Jerahmy Pocott

      22 days ago

      Thanks. You can certainly bake into the alpha channel, you just need to be using a file format that supports an alpha channel AND set the output to RGBA. If those are true, then you will see a new socket appear on the output node called Alpha which you can pipe what ever you want in the alpha channel into. Do keep in mind that file formats may use a different color space for the alpha data, for example .png uses sRGB for the main channels but linear for the alpha.

  • topSSSpot
    10 months ago

    The best baking addon I've ever seen!

  • Wolfgang.IX
    about 1 year ago

    a must have if you're planning to re/baking textures, organizing and set up bakes is so easy.
    it's a nightmare baking in Blender without add-ons.

  • andreas77
    over 1 year ago

    I am really happy of this purchase. The addon works extremely well, and the node-based system really allows to customize the workflow to my needs.

    A question : is it possible to call the 'Bake all' function from another script, rather than from the UI? I have a situation where to convert texture sets from one UV to the other, I load the textures, bake them and then load the next set. I automated the loading with a script, but I still need to press the 'Bake all' every time.

    • Jerahmy Pocott

      over 1 year ago

      Thanks for your review. Yes it is possible to automate the process in a couple of different ways. I should try to make a tutorial on it. The function you want is:

      bpy.ops.bake_wrangler.bake_pass(tree="", node="", sock=-1)

      Where tree should be set to the name of the recipe and node should be set to the name of the output node you want the button pressed on.

  • Kyler Alford
    about 2 years ago

    Bake Wrangler is easily worth quadruple the cost that is currently being charged. With my current workflow, I anticipate that it will save me a few hours per object that I want to bake textures for. It is relatively easy to use, has tons of nice features, and I have actually been able to tweak my high to low poly workflow to be more non-destructive because of Bake Wrangler's features.
    I would recommend this tool to anyone that uses Blender to create game ready assets.

  • Georg Kammerer
    over 2 years ago

    Brilliant Add-On well worth the price! It litereally solves every single issue and annoyance I've been dealing with baking in vanilla Blender.

    I've encountered a few minor bugs and quality of life issues in the UI working with Bake Wrangler, but the core functions reliably work like a charm.

    Considering the amount of workarounds, round trips to other software and so on even remotely complex baking tasks can take in Blender, this Add-On can easily save days of work even on a small project.

    • Jerahmy Pocott

      over 2 years ago

      Feel free if you have the time to report more fully on any bugs or QoL issues you find. Some QoL problems are likely due to the limitations of the Blender python API but I'm always happy to improve on things that can be improved!

  • CubicCooper
    over 2 years ago

    Awesome. Very easy to use, very fast. Completly effortless compared to baking with vanilla blender.

    over 2 years ago

    Wow, I'm super happy.
    I've been trying Add-ons, various channel packing tools and other scripts for three days to speed up my workflow, without success: either a tool is missing or the Add-on has weaknesses.
    So I was very hesitant to try Bake Wrangler because I have already lost enough time. But considering the price, I thought it would be silly not to try.
    Three minutes!
    It took only 3 minutes following the introduction video to produce all the textures needed for the Unity HDRP/Lit Shader.
    All the options I needed are there: Channel Map, Bake to Target, Cage, GPU, Render Up-Sampling, Color Space, Depth, PBR & Cycle Pass, special "Wrangler" Pass, Global Settings AND Specific Settings, just what I needed to output the Normal Map in the right format (16-bits, Non-Color, RGB) and the other maps in a more adequate format (8-bits, sRGB, RGBA) at the same time.
    And on top of that, I still have a lot of operators and new nodes to explore to improve my workflow even more, which is great.
    I usually don't like nodal, but here everything is clearly accessible, well organized and it's pretty easy to find your way around.
    My only regret: not having tried this tool three days earlier.
    Many thanks to its creator.

  • Oli Gerber
    over 2 years ago

    ahhh haha looks like I'm not the only one who has trouble baking in blender 3.x :'D Thanks to this I also can finally bake the crap out of my blend files :'D THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I've just set up so many cliffs and rocks in quite high poly and couldn't bake certain maps, especially not cross-baking over multiple uv maps or objects.. Now it all works perfectly again!!! Can't thank you enough for this :)

    • Jerahmy Pocott

      over 2 years ago

      You're welcome! Baking in Blender without any addons.. Can't recommend if you value your sanity ;)

  • @_@
    over 2 years ago

    Very useful timesaving addon.

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Sales 600+
22 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6, 2.93
License GPL
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texture map PBR Bake bake PBR pbr-baking baking