B-Cam | Expanded Feature Set For Blender's Vanilla Camera

by Mischen Software in Addons

Enable Features - Enables B-Cam in the current scene.

Exposure - Sets global scene exposure.

Contrast - Increase or decrease contrast.

Gamma - Sets global scene gamma.

Saturation - Overall scene saturation, 0 is black & white. Be careful increasing saturation, as adding too much can cause artefacts.

CRGB Curves - The C channel allows you to control the overall contrast of the image by manipulating the curve. The left side of the curve controls shadows, right side controls highlights. The RGB channels control the saturation of each channel in the shadows, midtones and highlights. Be subtle with these, as overdoing it can lead to artefacts.

Lens Distortion - Increases distortion of the lens (the wider the lens, the more distortion typically)

Lens Dispersion - Dispersion at the corners, ideal for realistic renders. Use subtly.

Bloom mix - How visible the bloom is, -1 means no bloom.

Bloom Threshold - Sets the threshold for blooming to occur, higher numbers mean only the brightest parts of the image bloom. Adjust to taste.

PLEASE NOTE: During rendering, the rendered image will appear to have no settings applied to it. This is because all settings are applied after the rendering is completed. Simply wait for the render to finish, and all B-Cam settings will be re-applied automatically.


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Sales 40+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 5 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1
Extension Type N/A
License GPL