Axe & Dagger - Tutorial Full Process
This is a full process tutorial of modeling, unwrapping,sculpting,texturing and rendering Our Axe & Dagger .
(15h unnarrated video)
It is better to have some basic information about working with these programs .
( Blender , unfold3d , Z-brush , marmoset toolbag , substance 3d painter , photoshop )
Tutorial Contents :
Modeling ( Duration : 2 h 54 min )
- modeling process has done in blender 3.4.0
Unwrapping ( Duration : 13 min )
- Unwrapping has done in unfold3d
Preparing for high-poly and bake testing ( Duration : 26 min )
- making a proper high poly
Sculpting ( Duration : 7 h 20 min )
- adding some details in Z-brush
- Preparing for final testing
Texturing ( Duration : 3 h 8 min )
- Baking
- Texturing has done in substance 3d painter and photoshop
- create lots of materials from 0 to 100
- using many technics to get more details
- exporting final textures
Rendering ( Duration :53 min )
- we used blender marmoset toolbag for rendering
Post-processing ( Duration : 8 min )
- At the end, we did some post-processing in photoshop
Attention : if you want the final model and project with all materials ( in 5 formats and 3 resolutions ), you should buy Standard Use License - Full Version
With the purchase, you get:
- Blend, FBX, OBJ, SPP (Substance Painter)
- Textures PBR for Blender (4K, 2K, 1K)
- Textures PBR Metal Roughness (4K, 2K, 1K)
- Textures PBR for Unity (4K, 2K, 1K)
- Textures PBR for Unreal (4K, 2K, 1K)
- Textures V-Ray 5 (4K, 2K, 1K)
if you just want Full Tutorial, buy Standard Use License - Basic Version
Attention : all videos are unnarrated ( it means there are no voice-over videos or subtitles )
Software Used:
- Blender
- Rizom UV unfold3d
- Z-brush
- Substance 3d Painter
- Marmoset Toolbag
- Photoshop
Polygon count : 11.033
Vertex count : 11.566
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