Autumn Tree And Grass Set
With 27 unique assets you can easily build and populate beautiful stylized environments for your game. This pack contains everything you need to make a beautiful stylized autumn forest scene or ferm: trees,plants, grass, rocks, props and more. It’s readily available to import in Unity3D and Ue4. The example scene through included in the package!
Package contains:
4 Tree (Verts 1700, Faces 640, Tris 1260 - Verts 4900, Faces 1750, Tris 3150)
3 Corns (Verts 140, Faces 70, Tris 140)
1 Wheat (Verts 28, Faces 9, Tris 18)
2 Grass (Verts 27, Faces 12, Tris 24)
2 Pumpkins (Verts 156, Faces 144, Tris 308)
1 Mushroom (Verts 54, Faces 49, Tris 100)
1 Apple (Verts 12, Faces 20, Tris 20)
3 Rocks (Verts 17, Faces 12, Tris 30)
Jug (Verts 72, Faces 66, Tris 140)
Fence (Verts 588, Faces 572, Tris 1160)
4 Hand painted textures png. Trees and pumpkins 2048x2048, foliage atlas 512x512, fence and rock 1024x1024, landscape 1024x1024
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tree scene fence grass mushroom set apple prop pack foliage corn jug autumn wheat apple-tree autumn-tree handpainted blender rock pumpkin apple pu mushroom set pumpkins autumn grass jug pack foliage corn pumpkin fence props wheat rocks apple tree tree Scene handpainted