Auto-Rig Pro : Animation Library

by Asim Hameed in Addons

"Blender Animation is no more difficult"
With the help of this Product, you can create a professional, smooth and fast workflow for rigging and then applying any animation to 3D Character by a single click. Auto-Rig Pro: Animation Library has been designed to be Userfriendly, fast, and time saving. 

Animate Any Human like 3D Model with this library of 150 Auto-Rig Pro Human Animations.
Most Important: This product needs Latest version of Auto-rig Pro, you can get it from here.

[Big Update]

Now you can Animate Both A-Pose and T-Pose Characters. New 150 Animations Also Added. All the issues are Resolved.

Old Animations:

New Animations:

New Animations:

Animate A-Pose Character

Animate T-Pose Character

Some Examples:

Pushing Animation


Girl Dance Animation

Knocked Out Animation

150 Human Animations List:_
  1. Action Idle to Fight Idle
  2. Aiming
  3. A pose Reset Position
  4. Back Flip
  5. Belly Dance
  6. Big Hit to Head
  7. Big Jump
  8. Big Kidney Hit
  9. Big Side Hit
  10. Block
  11. Block Body
  12. Box Jump
  13. Boxing
  14. Boxing Idle
  15. Brutal to happy walking
  16. Burpee
  17. Burpee start
  18. Burpee end
  19. Cat Walk Female
  20. Chicken Dance
  21. Climbing
  22. Climbing A Rope
  23. Climbing A Ladder
  24. Climbing Stairs Up
  25. Cover to stand
  26. Crawl Backwards
  27. Cross Punch
  28. Crouch walk
  29. Defeat
  30. Defeated
  31. Defender
  32. Disappointed
  33. Disarmed
  34. Dodging
  35. Dodging Back
  36. Dodging Right
  37. Dropping
  38. Drunk walk
  39. Drunk walking Turn
  40. Ducking
  41. Dying
  42. Elbow Punch
  43. Emerging With Gun
  44. Entry
  45. Fall over
  46. Falling
  47. Falling to roll
  48. Fast Run
  49. Female walk
  50. Female Tough Walk
  51. Fighting Idle
  52. Fist Fight
  53. Firing Rifle
  54. Flair Dance
  55. Flip Kick
  56. Flying Kick
  57. Focus
  58. Getting Smashed
  59. Getting Up
  60. Goofy Running
  61. Grab Rifle From behind Shoulder
  62. Grabbing Pistol
  63. Gunplay
  64. Happy Walk
  65. Heavy Weapon swing
  66. Helping Out
  67. Hip Hop Dance
  68. Hit by Car
  69. Hit to body
  70. Hit Reaction 
  71. Hook Punch
  72. House Dance
  73. Hurricane Kick
  74. Injured Run
  75. Injured Walking
  76. Inside Crescent Kick
  77. Idle
  78. Jump
  79. Jump from walk
  80. jumping
  81. Kicking
  82. kip up
  83. Knocked Out
  84. Knocked Down
  85. Laying
  86. Leg sweep
  87. Lifting object
  88. Look Around
  89. look Behind Run
  90. Looking Behind
  91. Looking Right 
  92. Medium Run
  93. Mma Kick
  94. Mutant Walking
  95. Old Man walk
  96. Opening
  97. Orc Idle
  98. Orc Walk-cycle
  99. Outward block
  100. Pistol Run
  101. Pistol Walk
  102. Pivot
  103. Pull heavy Object
  104. Punch to Elbow combo
  105. Pushing
  106. Quad Punch
  107. Quick 180 Turn
  108. Rapping
  109. Receive Punch to face
  110. Receive stomach Punch
  111. Removing Driver
  112. Rifle Death
  113. Rifle Run
  114. Rifle Idle
  115. Round house Kick
  116. Run to Flip
  117. Run to stop
  118. Scissor Kick
  119. Shooting 
  120. Shopping cart Dance
  121. Singing
  122. Slipping
  123. Slow Run
  124. Sneak Walk
  125. Standing
  126. Standing Arguing
  127. Standing Up
  128. Start Walking
  129. Stop Walking
  130. Strut Walking
  131. Stumbling 
  132. Talking
  133. Talking on cell Phone
  134. Texting and walking
  135. Throwing
  136. Tripping
  137. Victory
  138. Walk in circle
  139. Walk with Briefcase
  140. Walking with Rifle
  141. Walking with shopping Bag
  142. Warming Up
  143. walking
  144. Walking Backwards
  145. waving
  146. Walking Turn 180
  147. Wheelchair
  148. Writhing in Pain
  149. Yelling
  150. Zombie Run
  151. Rig and Animate any 3D Character by using the Following Steps

    1.  Select A-Pose OR T-Pose Rig

    2. Scale the Mesh to the Size of the Rig

    3. Delete the white Base character

    4. Place the Bones within your Model

    5. Match to Rig

    6.Bind your rig to model

    7.Select Any Animation

    Game Engine Export

    Auto-Rig Pro allows export to FBX/GLTF format via a dedicated module, to proven engines such as Unity,Unreal Engine, Godot.

    Note:" GLTF requires Blender 4.1 or higher"

    Full support in Unity, Unreal Engine (FBX), Godot (FBX, GLTF), and probably other game engines supporting these formats as well.

    If you have Any Questions?

    If you're having any issues with the Animation library please check the FAQ and contact me or have a look at the my Youtube channel.

  • The Full Package ! 150 Animations 100% Recommended

  • The Standard Package ! 80 Animations

  • The Lite Package ! 25 Animations


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Sales 500+
17 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL