Architecture Elements 2023 & Flow 4 - The Ultimate Archviz Asset Pack

by polyspaace in Models

  Addons & Asset Libraries:

Latest Assets Update: November 2023 - Vegetation Assets!

ArchViz in Blender was never so easy!

Architecure Elements is the ulitmate archviz addon, containing in total over 500 assets, that are almost everything you need to create your archviz scenes and make them alive! The addon was developed for over 2 years by the team of architects working in archviz industry, mostly during the actual professional works is the best approach for better, more alive and more realistic architectural scenes! Discover amazing and high-quality assets, many modular sets, completely unique hand-crafted materials, all powered by our authorial Flow4 system, just to make the entire worfklow easier than ever! Build, decorate, experiment to achieve the professional looking archviz scenes with no effort!

Over 400 customizable models

And 100 completely unique PBR Photo Materials

Many modular sets of assets

Everything Powered by our authorial Flow Asset Manager (included)!

Visit our Blog for latest Flow news & tutorials!

What are the Architecture Elements?


Over 400 models and sets of furniture, lamps, building elements, landscape elements, vegetation, trees, pots and much much more!


More than 100 completely unique authorial PBR materials – created out of our real photographies for the best results and most realistic effect

The Addon

Flow Asset Manager – probably the best asset manager for Blender, created just to make workflow easier, faster and more enjoyable. Discover the managers possibilities below!

Build & Decorate your scene

Just with a few mouse click you can add any object from the library. Fill your scenes with the assets and make it alive in really no time. Add the materials to your models fast and easy! And save your own assets in the library with the set of automated tools. Use Asset Painter to precisely draw your assets into the scene, making it feel alive and natural in no time! 

Tweak the look of your scene from the Panel

Tweak colors and materials of your assets with no need of heading to shader editor each time! From now on you can adjust the look of your assets directly from the panel level, with the help of pre-made material node groups, which is an easy approach to make the scene look just the way you want with no effort!

Choose from over 400 assets and materials!

Just from landscape objects to building details. Architecture Elements contains just anything you need to build your archviz scene from scratch to the detail

Expand the library your very own way!

With the help of Flow addon, you can add your own assets to the libraries just with a few mouse clicks. What can you store in your library? All asset types, that are supported by Flow, so: models, materials, HDRis, Worlds, Texutres, Node Groups, Brushes! You can add your assets directly from your scene, the addon will save objects and create the previews for you! So grab your old assets and make your library even bigger!

Create professional looking archviz renders

The scenes below were created only with Architecture Elements & Flow4

Try our addon for free

Download the free demo that includes Flow4 Basic, 10 sample models, 10 sample materials, and build yourself the scene like the one below!


What makes the Architecture Elements so good?

Most of the assets were created and tested during the real archviz work and were already used in lots of our authorial scenes to make it more alive. Thanks to our amazing Flow plugin, the workflow with assets and materials is even more enjoyable and helps creating much more alive scenes with almost no effort. Check the examples below, with some exemplary assets marked on the images.

Pricing variants:

Including all Architecture Elements assets + Flow Asset Manager + Updates

Architecture Bundle

Including Architecture Elements + Interior Essentials + Flow Asset Manager + Updates

Both product variants INCLUDES full version of Flow plugin. If you want to get just the plugin, without assets to build your own library from scratch, you may purchase standalone plugin cheaper here. If you've already purchased Flow Asset Manager, but you also want to get another library, use the promo code IGOTFLOW to get the Flow-price discount (this code works ONLY if you have purchased Flow before)

Need even more assets? Get the Architecture Bundle!

Extend the Architecture Elements with our another product – Interior Essentials, just for much better results of your visualizations. Revive both your exteriors and interiors with the bundle of total almost 1000 assets and take your renderings to the next level! And remember that the bundle is always cheaper than both products separately!

Find out more:

Interior Essentials at BlenderMarket

Interior Essentials assets list

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Choose a product version:

  • $229 Polyspaace Ultimate Bundle

    ALL Our Addons - Interior Essentials, Bathroom Essentials, Architecture Elements, Natural Elements + Flow4, Polyviews, Surface Painter => 35$ OFF

  • $149 Architecture Elements + Interior Essentials Bundle

    Architecture Elements + Interior Essentials + Flow Pro + Updates

  • $69 Architecture Elements

    Architecture Elements + Flow Pro + Updates

  • $0 Architecture Elements Demo

    Architecture Elements Sample Assets + Flow Basic

  • $269 Architecture Elements + Interior Essentials Bundle - Studio (2-5 seats)

    Architecture Elements + Interior Essentials + Flow Pro + Updates - Studio license for 2-5 seats

Sales 100+
Downloads 200+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Normal-Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free
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