Anytree - Trees With Any Shape

by Bad Normals in Addons

Documentation is in the form of the tutorial video included with Anytree.

If you have questions, you can message me at Blender Market or email


Update Log:


v2.1.2 13th of December 2024:


  • Drawing Curve Trees is much more reliable now.


v2.1.1 29th of July 2024:


  • Support for 'Extensions' introduced in Blender 4.2 LTS.


v2.1 1st of July 2024: This version has one improvement:


  • Baking support: bake the slow parts of the tree for better viewport performance during animations.


v2.0.2 8th of April 2024: This version has one fix and one improvement:


  • Motion blur flickering during growth is now gone.


  • Added back the "Remove Inside" parameter for branches, which removes the internal branches, allowing for a cage-like shape.


28th of April 2024:

Major update!


  • Anytree is overall around 3x faster. The larger the tree, the bigger the speedup compared to the last version.
  • Gravity now works correctly.
  • Growth is more accurate and reflects the real world better.
  • Fewer parameters - the visual clutter is gone, and everything is organized into panels.
  • No more twisting or weird branch artefacts.

New features:

  • Branch Straightening allows for much more realistic trees.
  • Separate Trunk controls - thickness and straightness.
  • A better Leaf System reworked from the ground up.

As a side note, wind has been removed. It is currently not optimal in Blender 4.1 and will make a comeback sometime in the future.

Thanks for all the feedback; I hope you'll enjoy this update!


v1.8.2 16th of November 2023: This version has one improvement:


  • Curve tree Python errors are now fixed.

Thanks for reporting this bug!


v1.8.1 2nd of November 2023: This version has one improvement:


  • The "gen not found" Python error is now fixed.

Thanks for reporting this bug!


v1.8.0 8th of October 2023: This version has two new features and five improvements:

New features:

  • Full compatibility with Blender 3.6. The officially supported version is now 3.5+.
  • Two new twig species! Photorealistic birch and willow twigs have been added, which helps greatly when making larger trees.


  • Fixed blocky behaviour in Blender 3.6+. The branches now avoid unnatural 90-degree angles that formed blocky grid-like trees.
  • Fixed randomly flickering leaves when growing a tree. This is done using a stable random ID.
  • Fixed the bug where the growth slider affected leaves even when growth was disabled.
  • The growth slider has been inverted based on your request.
  • Improved internal operations to be up to 10% faster.

Thanks for the feedback that brought these updates!


v1.7.0 9th of May 2023: This version has seven new features and four improvements:

New features:

  • Full compatibility with Blender 3.5. The officially supported version is now 3.5+.
  • Photorealistic twigs! This version ships with the first set of photorealistic twigs that helps greatly when making larger trees.
  • Multiple leaf systems! You can now blend between two separate leaf systems. One for leaves and one for fruits, for example.
  • UV maps are now written directly into the UV Map section after applying geometry nodes, which means you don't need to think about attributes any more. You can use the UV output from the texture coordinates node.
  • Tooltips for every parameter to better understand them.
  • Leaves can be realized from the modifier menu and automatically keep their texture after applying the modifier.
  • You can now turn the stems off for leaf types that don't need them.


  • Tickboxes now appear correctly.
  • Leaves collection is now hidden by default, making the viewport faster by not loading all textures at import.
  • Branches now start at a steeper angle to help make larger trees. Bush-like smoothness can be dialled in manually.
  • Growing animation used to cause twisting UVs. Now, you can switch between the twisting (scale preservation) and the linear (stable rotation) method.

Thanks for the feedback that brought these updates!


v1.6.2 14th of March 2023: This update brings three fixes:


  • Fixed Python runtime errors when adding multiple trees and deleting/duplicating some of their elements.
  • When using an incompatible Blender version (lower than 3.4), there will be a warning message suggesting to update.
  • Anytree now works when using Blender in another language.


v1.6.1: This update brings two fixes and one improvement:


  • Scaling the leaf stem doesn't change the leaf scale any more.
  • When using gravity, leaves now point to the same direction with the branch


  • There is now only one gravity system. Instead of the Gravity A and B, you can now change one value which will bend the branches up or down. Also, gravity doesn't disconnect branches any more

Thanks for using Anytree!


v1.6: This update brings several new things:


  • When creating a new tree, branches are no longer disconnected as in v1.5
  • Leaves are now always on the surface of the tree, solving the problem of some leaves being inside the tree.
  • Everything is more stable - the leaves and UVs don't jump around when using the growth animation. Also, thanks to more stable random values, the leaves on the tree jump around less when a parameter is changed - giving you a better time personalizing the tree.

New features:

  • Wind now moves branches - there is a total of four wind parameters, two for leaves, two for branches. Also, a "fix twists" parameter fixes twists in the trunk that can happen when the wind is activated.


v1.5: This update brings a massive (depending on the number of branches) polycount reduction by removing the duplicate branches inside the tree. Also, displacement is much better and faster - no need to remesh, and remeshing has also been removed. The UVs are created faster, and there are also new tools for removing unwanted branches and smoothing them out.

Here's a graph comparing the polycount in version 1.4 vs 1.5 (optimized):

  • If you don't plan to make money with this product.

  • If you plan to make money with this product.


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Sales 1400+
16 ratings
Published about 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1
Extension Type Add-on
License Royalty Free