Annotate Plus - Additional Annotations Tools

by Stefano Bianchini in Addons

Annotate Plus provides some additional tools for drawing annotations. After installing it you will find among the annotation tools:

- Annotate Rectangle: tool for drawing rectangles
- Annotate Circle: tool for drawing circles
- Annotate Text: tool for inserting text
- Annotate Face: tool to highlight the faces of a mesh
- Annotate Edge: tool to highlight the edges of a mesh
- Annotate Vertex: tool for highlighting the vertices of a mesh

All additional tools work similar to standard annotation tools. They can draw annotations in the view, over the surface of an object, or in the 3D cursor plane.

They work in the 3D Viewport, in the image editor, in the UV editor and in all the Node Editors (in the Compositor, in the Geometry Node Editor and in the Shader Editor), except of course the 3 tools for highlighting the mesh elements which only work in the 3D Viewport .

NB: improvements and the addition of further features are planned.
Any feature requests or bug reports will be appreciated.

IMPORTANT: Annotate Plus 1.1 only works with Blender 4.3 and above.
On all previous versions of Blender install Annotate Plus 1.0.2.

November 29, 2024 - Version 1.1 published
- made compatible with Blender 4.3
- fixed some minor bugs and improved.

August 1, 2024 - Version 1.0.2 published
- fixed an issue that occurred in some cases when adding the note to a surface.

July 27, 2024 - Version 1.0.1 published
- fixed a bug causing the "Subdivisions" parameter to be ignored in the circle annotation tool.

NB: before installing an updated version, disable and uninstall any old versions first.

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Sales 40+
Published 8 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Extension Type N/A
License GPL