Animafy - Retro Anime/Animation Compositing Node
|How to Install Animafy
|How to install the Toon Shaders
|Extra Stuff for your scenes
How to add/install the Animafy Compositor Node?
Step 1. Press File and choose Append.
Step 2. Locate your Animafy Composition Node.blend file. Now double click it. Should look like this.
Step 3. Now find the folder Node Tree, double click it.
Step 4. Now find the Animafy Node, double click it as well.
Step 5. Now that it's added, head to the compositor tab at the top.
Step 6. Hit add and in the search type Animafy and click the only node that has that in it's name.
Step 7. Now add it to the nodes like this.
Step 8. Now we need to add the freestyle lines needed below.
Step 9. Head to this tab.
Step 10. Now under freetyle, have it look like this.
Step 11. Now head to this tab.
Step 12. Check these options.
Step 13. Head back to the nodes and connect Freestyle to Freestyle on the node.
And there you go.
For the people the bought the Animafy Node plus the JoJuice Shaders versions 1-3.
Append them by going to the Animafy Compositor Node + Toon Shaders.blend file. Double click it.
Now choose the material folder.
Now select all 3 shaders, or which ever one you plan on using. Then hit append.
Now they should be available in you materials. And as a material node.
Extra scene bits:
Color Management
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