Advanced Generators And More
Advanced Generators and more will help you create awesome procedural textures right inside blender.
Advanced Generators and more comes with 6 100% procedural generators and 3 utility nodes + more in the future.
Future updates will be 100% free.
HEXAGON tile generator will allow you to create all sorts of procedural textures and also it will allow you to pixellate images with the hexagon pattern.
Scratch Generator allows you to add surface scratches to your 3d model
Brick Generator is a much more advanced brick generator than the default one in the shader editor, this will allow you to create more complex textures with a random rotation of the brick, random scale, random height, random slope, and round corners.
Weave Generator is a generator that will make it easier to create woven textures and many more.
Polygon will create a polygonal shape that will be useful to use as a mask or create sci-fi textures.
Pixelate like the name says, will pixelate your textures, procedural or bitmap.
CRT Display it's a much more special pixelate node that will allow you to see your image as if they were in an actual television or some kind of monitor, useful for render where you are going to have a closeup on some kind of monitor.
Tile allows you to tile your texture without having to redo the same node setup every time.
Mirror lets you mirror your texture just with 2 sliders.
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